A Breakthrough Autism Treatment now available at the Brain Treatment Center in Columbus, Ohio
Magnetic eResonance Therapy, MeRT
Additionally, MeRT works in conjunction with other therapies to help get more out of those therapies.
Your child can have a brighter future — even if other treatments haven’t worked as you’d hoped.
MeRT (Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy) is a drug-free, non-invasive treatment that has shown remarkable improvements in communication, mood, environmental control, and much more!
When your child has Autism Spectrum Disorder, it can be as if they’re in their own world. And this can be lonely and overwhelming — for them AND for you. We know you can see the potential in your child, and there’s nothing you wouldn’t do to help them achieve that potential.
Yet, it can be difficult and stressful to find a treatment protocol that works. Autism isn’t “one size fits all,” and you may have tried several therapies and medications. But they may not be working the way you’d hoped.
That’s why, here at the Brain Treatment Center in Columbus, we offer a different approach to treating autism. It’s called MeRT (Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy). MeRT is non-invasive, drug-free, and can be instrumental in helping children develop skills to function more normally.
How MeRT Addresses the Individual Nature of Autism Spectrum Disorder
No two cases of autism are the same. Even if a child is on a similar “level” to another, or has a similar diagnosis, they can still have individual symptoms and ways of dealing with the outside world.
MeRT, or Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy, addresses the individual nature of Autism Spectrum Disorder. This tailored treatment protocol works to balance brainwave activity.
MeRT starts with precise brain imaging using a qEEG (quantitative electroencephalogram, or brain mapping) and an EKG (electrocardiogram).
This initial testing is the key to MeRT’s results. The EEG will show electrical signals in the brain of a child with autism that differ from those of a child who does not have ASD. After a thorough analysis of the test results, we can then create a customized treatment using TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation).
The equipment delivers gentle magnetic pulses to specific areas of the brain that are not functioning as they should be. These pulses feel like gentle taps on the head. By doing this, we optimize brain communication so it’s more organized and in sync. This can allow the patient to function at a higher level, with better communication skills, social skills, and more independence.
The equipment used in MeRT is FDA-cleared to treat Major Depressive Disorder and OCD and is used off-label to treat a wide variety of conditions, including Autism.
Additionally, MeRT can be used alongside other therapies, such as ABA, and can help those therapies work even better.
* Results are based on active and strict observation of our regimens. Results may vary based on the individual user and are not guaranteed.
Talk with Our New Patient Coordinator
She can answer your questions, explain the procedures, and review all details. Or fill in the form at the bottom of this page, and she will contact you.
Benefits* from Treating Autism with MeRT
According to patients—and their parents—MeRT treatment can be life-changing.* Benefits can include:
- Better sleep
- Increased sleep duration
- More relaxed; less anxiety, lessening of stimming behaviors
- Increased independence
- Better concentration and focus
- Improved interaction with others
- Better response to commands
- Mood improvement
- Improved ability to cope with stress
- Reduction of stress symptoms
- Increased attention span
- Improved sociability
- More motivation to learn
- Increased ability to adapt to change
- Improved self-confidence and self-esteem
- More “presence” in the world going on around them
- Increased emotional stability
- Improved language skills
* Results are based on active and strict observation of our regimens. Results may vary based on the individual user and are not guaranteed.
Autism Parenting Magazine Features MeRT.
Frank and Mary tell their story about their son Frankie…
Talk with Our New Patient Coordinator
She can answer your questions, explain the procedures, and review all details. Or fill in the form at the bottom of this page, and she will contact you.
In the third week, something happened. The family was driving around sight-seeing when they realized that they were getting lost in the California desert. Mary and Frank began to argue, and right in the midst of it, the moment they had waited six years for finally came. “I remember he said a seven-word sentence basically to the effect of ‘I want you two to stop fighting.’ And it shocked me so much that I almost stopped breathing,” Frank recounts. “I looked at my wife and said ‘Do you realize what just happened? He just said a seven-word sentence.’ I had tears in my eyes, and I was happy at the same time. He was so upset that it pushed these words through.”
From there, Frankie’s progress snowballed. They returned home after only a month, but the difference between the child who arrived in California and the one who left was striking. They had taken a video of Frankie on the plane when they started the journey, “and he’s just making baby babble,” Frank says. “We have another video of him on the plane coming back. And he looks out the window and says, ‘Goodbye California, see you soon.’ This was a nonverbal kid, 30 days later. And his feet are flat on the ground.”
Doctors said Frankie would continue to improve even without regular MeRTalbeit a bit slower. Today, he is 11 years old, verbal, and attends a public school. He tells Frank stories about times when he wanted to speak but couldn’t. “He goes ‘You know, I’m so glad we went to the brain treatment because now I can talk,” says Frank.
MeRT Treatment for Autism at our Brain Treatment Center in Columbus: What to Expect
Your first step, before deciding if MeRT is the right treatment for your child, is to call us for a free consultation with our New Patient Coordinator. This is a no-obligation call, where she will discuss their symptoms and history, answer your questions, and explain the treatment in full. This includes all fees and protocols.
Then, once you decide to take the next step, we will set up an appointment for initial testing. This appointment will last 45 minutes to an hour. Then, once we have completed the testing, we will analyze the results and schedule you for a consultation.
It’s important to note that we are dedicated to your child’s well-being, and we have first-hand knowledge of the kinds of results MeRT can achieve in autism treatment. We take the utmost care of our patients on the autism spectrum to ensure they have a comfortable experience throughout their treatment.
The MeRT treatment protocol comprises three steps: Testing, Consultation, and Treatment. Following are the specifics of each step:
1. Testing
At your child’s first appointment, we will perform two simple tests: a qEEG and an EKG. These tests are painless, and we perform them right here in our office.
For the EEG, we place a cap on your child’s head to measure the electrical activity in their brain and map out any areas not performing as they should. We also perform an EKG to record the heart’s electrical signals.
Once we perform these tests, our team will carefully analyze the results. Based on this analysis, we develop a treatment plan customized to your child’s specific condition.
2. Consultation
After testing is complete and we’ve reviewed and analyzed the results, you will have a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Tarun Mehra or Nurse Practitioner Linna Morgan. You can either do this consultation in person or virtually from the comfort of your home.
During this consultation, we will discuss your child’s test results and treatment plan. We will also answer any remaining questions you may have and let you know more about what to expect during the treatment period.
3. Treatment Period
During the treatment period, we will perform two weeks of TMS treatment at a time. After each two-week period, we will perform a new set of tests (EEG and EKG) to see how your child is responding. We highly recommend a minimum of four weeks of treatment to see how your child is responding. If the clinical response is good, and we are seeing changes on the EEG, then we recommend an additional two to four weeks of treatment for optimal and long-lasting results.
We monitor progress based on the new EEG results as well as symptom improvements. And you will have a consultation to confirm that changes are still showing in the testing.
Most conditions treated with MeRT provide noticeable and long-lasting results after six weeks of treatment. However, each patient is different, and the results may vary. Also, it’s important to state that the minimum age we will treat a child is 2 years old.
Hear it from a Mother
Our son has had great results. Every time He did the treatment with MeRT he had new improvements. In his case, at first, his brain connection was affected, specifically with his speaking motor skills. This was first local diagnosis. We did MeRT sessions over several weeks and every time we noticed differences, every MeRT session enabled my son to access more of his outside world. At 4 ½ years of age he didn’t speak at all, now at 5 ½ he is speaking and counting up to 30. We hope to continue with more sessions in the near future because he is much better, noticeably.”
Our 4-year-old Autistic daughter received MeRT here and we are pleased with the results. After 6 weeks of treatment, she is more engaged, has better eye contact, is happier in general, and has said several new words.
Our daughter is more playful too! This is a great treatment to help Autistic children. It is non-invasive, safe, and can be very effective. It is not a cure. It is a “tool” to help aid in your child’s progress. Not every child’s results are the same. So keep that in mind.
It is imperative that you keep an open mind and stay positive. Leo and Danny are exceptional. They want to help, they make you feel heard, comfortable, and understood. They are professional and friendly. Honestly, we are going to miss them. They became part of our village these last 6 weeks. As the saying goes “it takes a village to raise a child” … especially a special needs child. Thanks for everything, Leo and Danny. We hope to see you in the near future. We highly recommend MeRT from Brain Treatment Center!”
– Marcia Beveridge
Questions? Need more information? Call our New Patient Coordinator.
We know how difficult it can be to decide on a new treatment for your child’s autism, particularly if past treatments haven’t gotten the results you’d hoped for. You may still have a lot of questions about whether MeRT is the right treatment for your child. We want to make sure you get all the information you need to make the best possible decision, and that begins with a call to our New Patient Coordinator.
The New Patient Coordinator is here to help you. She’ll take the time to listen, answer questions, explain costs, and put your mind at ease. Additionally, she can help you get scheduled if you decide that yes, MeRT is the right treatment for your child.
When you think about it, making this one free, no-obligation call just might be the first step in truly unlocking your child’s potential. And we want to help you do just that!
Contact our New Patient Coordinator.
Or fill out the form below and she will contact you.
Unfortunately, we do not accept insurance, nor file it on your behalf. We do accept all major credit cards.
Currently, MeRT is FDA-cleared for Major Depressive Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). For conditions other than Major Depressive Disorder and OCD, because treatment is considered “off-label,” insurance rarely reimburses any of the costs associated with treatment.
Contact Us
For more information or to speak with our New Patient Coordinator, please fill in the information below.